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A message from Matterport about COVID-19

The Coronavirus - COVID 19 - has altered every aspect of our lives. During this time of global uncertainty, it’s important that I convey what Matterport is doing about it.

First, nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our customers, employees, and the communities we serve. Our collective sympathy goes out to anyone who has lost a friend, neighbour, colleague or loved one. We are in awe of the first responders, doctors, nurses and staff who risk their well being to save lives.

Secondly, we are doing everything we can to stop the spread of COVID-19. Here are the actions we’ve taken so far:

  • Since the outbreak began, we’ve been protecting the health of our employees based on the hygiene and health directives from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control.
  • We have instituted a mandatory work from home policy due to “Shelter in Place” orders in the Bay Area, and continue to strongly encourage employees to work from home across the world. We are closely monitoring the situation for our other offices in the United States, Europe and Singapore, and will take appropriate action as needed. 
  • We’ve asked our Matterport Service Partners to join us in fighting the spread of the virus. We’ve provided a checklist to follow before scanning a customer site based on the recommendations from WHO and the CDC.

And the third priority: In the face of this turmoil, we are committed to keeping your business successful. Our goal is to provide continuity. You should not experience any disruption, but if you do, we will address it as quickly as possible. Our support team is fully operational, and ready to help.

I’d like to close with inspiring stories from customers like you. Knowing that their investment in Matterport has kept their businesses going is what inspires us.


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