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Looking and sounding good: Getting the virtual measure of a music studio

Proper Measure’s first commercial property 3D augmentation has hit all the right notes

When Proper Measure wanted to explore making digital doubles of commercial properties, owner and operator Michael Stewart knew he wanted to start with something stunning. That’s why he got in touch with Pine Cone Music Studio; a local business with a small property that makes a lot of noise.

With an aesthetic that strums the heartstrings, Michael knew the studio would be an excellent model for him to demonstrate how Matterport’s 3D rendering technology can bring a property to life in people’s homes, as well as entice guests to step through the doors and experience the space in the real world.

We spoke to Michael about this project to get a better understanding of what motivated the move to commercial properties, and how he was able to achieve his goals using Matterport’s innovative digital twins

What inspired the 3D capture of this space?

I’m a franchise owner and we were running our own marketing campaign based on supporting local businesses. Pine Cone Music Studio was the first place that came to mind when thinking of a business that was unique and would benefit from a capture. After advising Pine Cone’s owner of our marketing campaign, I sold him on the idea of the virtual tour. Who hasn’t thought of the idea of being on stage and performing! 

PIne Cone Studio 2

What are the “must-sees” you want visitors to explore and why? 

With individual session rooms and a wide selection of instruments, it doesn’t take much to get inspired to channel your inner rock star or classical performer. Peter — the owner — is very hands-on, offering guitar repairs on site as well. You get that feeling the minute you enter the place, instruments on display that just make you want to pick them up and make a sound! 

PIne Cone Studio 1

What’s the one thing you want visitors to take away after exploring your 3D tour? 

What I would want is for those customers who did view the capture to make that next step and check out the studios in person. This was the main goal for this capture. Drive customers to the physical location. This also allows for a great cross section of the public that I would not normally reach within my normal target market of real estate clients to see a 3D capture benefit a local business. 

What are the benefits of Matterport digital twins?

With this particular capture being a commercial business, the main goals were to give more exposure online for the studio and provide customers (potential and current clients) an opportunity to have an unique user experience that no other music studio in the area offered. Having great content tagged within the capture allows the customer to remain on the client’s landing page longer. My client benefits from the increased online traffic generated, which has led to new customers walking into the studio in person. In this case; the capture was my client's opportunity to drive “foot traffic” from online to a physical location.

PIne Cone Studio 3

Do you have any plans to capture more 3D experiences?

Absolutely! My Proper Measure franchise has great plans to explore the commercial side of 3D capturing for potential clients, or anything that seems “outside of the box”. This was my first venture on a commercial business capture as my main focus was the real estate market. This opportunity ended up being a great experience to build off of to show there is no limit to who, what or where you could capture with a 3D experience.

Anything else you would like to add? 

Technology is always changing. The time it now takes for an idea or concept to become a reality shortens by the day. The quality at which these new products are forever improving too; they’re at a level no one imagined. If you don’t keep up with it you're going to be left behind and trying to catch up with the competition. Matterport fits into this description of a technology that is changing the way we see and explore the world.


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